Saturday, October 10, 2009


Allow me , to let you in, to a secret of mine...

All my life , I have considered myself a strong girl and have also used this strength to help others....fine....not very fine really.....!

After giving advice to others , I also land up taking responsibilty for it, fretting over it, worrying about it....

To liberate myself from this self inflicted agony, many a times I have implored to myself to stop advicing ....well, I can't do that too.....advising comes naturally to the best thing I ask of myself , is to stop taking responsibility for it.....I can't do that who suffers most...well I do...

Confused ? don't be...let me explain....suppose someone asks me to suggest , where to invest their surplus money.... I usually tell them , what I have done in a similar situation and allow them to take a cue from it !, not at all.... because it does not end there for me....

What I land up doing is, I fret and worry about the consequences of my advice to them....well that is wrong !

I have been trying hard to work on it , but without much success . But today , I did it ! Someone who had seeked an advice from me , rang up to say , it had not worked for them....I actually replied , "Well it sometimes works and sometimes it does not"'s 10 hours since the incident, and I have, as yet, not felt any guilt pangs about the advice I gave them..... ( I think I have grown up...finally)

Do remember , when we are born , we are born alone ( forget the stray twin cases) and we have our own individual cross's to bear. Our maker , gives each and ever one of us the intellect to work out our life. We are supposed to use this intellect for our own betterment and that of mankind ....but heylo , we are not responsible for any other individual ....

I can see some of you frowning, as not really convinced with my words , but let me tell you, the earlier you learn this , the better it is for you.....otherwise, like me, you too will land up using up more than half your energy , worrying about others or you will stop giving advice to others. Both I guess are extreme reactions.....take the middle path....

There I go advising you again ,but hey...take it or jesbeatit ! I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE IF YOU CHANGE YOUR THINKING !

1 comment:

  1. i am carrying the same baggage most of the times, cuz i am not sure how is life turns out for some body else but its nice to see a ray of hope of growing up just as u did probably ...
