Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Has it ever happened with you ? As we grow in our thoughts , many a time we outgrow a friendship, which does not seem in sync with us anymore. How does one tackle such a situation then ?

To me there are two options, one , is to continue a make believe friendship with the person for old times sake and the other is to disconnect gradually . But , what if the other person does not read the signals and persists on carrying on the friendship ! There are yet others who don't know how to deal with the situation and stop talking to the person , abruptly which I think is not fair at all . You owe some dignity to every friendship that you have chosen to make !

I have a friend who can be very blunt and has, on an occassion or two done it with some friends whom she realised over time were the wrong choices. They were not wrong , as in they were harming her, but they failed to interest her , intellectually. When cornered while avoiding them, she truthfully told them, "Look , no offences meant....I think I have moved on" . I have admired her guts, because I find it so difficult to do it....

And here arises my dilemma . I cannot be blunt to tell someone I don't connect anymore and yet ,I cannot live a lie of being there , when actually I don't want to !

I often wonder , does this happen because I am trapped by my , "goody " image ? Is the image larger than me ? Or is it that I feel sad to reject someone for no fault of theirs. I know , someone may outgrow me too ( they have !) but I could cope. Then why do I suffer from this fear that other's can't.....

I welcome perspectives ! Don't want to jesbeatit !

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